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Sunday, September 24, 2017

KAPE Iligan now available at Robinson's Place-Iligan

Are you looking for freshly roasted coffee beans whose aroma you can surely smell before you open its package?

KAPE Iligan is now available at the HOMETOWN PASALUBONG CENTER, at the 2nd Floor of the Robinson's Place-Iligan.  This was announced Sunday by Iligan Agri-Rainbow Producers Cooperative chairman, Arturo R. Diasanta.

Picked from organically grown highland coffee trees, KAPE Iligan comes in three packs:  Fine Robusta, Specialty Arabica, and Premium Blend.
You can order for a freshly roasted whole coffee beans or the appropriately ground coffee powder ready for brewing in stand up pouches of various sizes: 250 grams, 500 grams, or 1 kilogram.

 [CLICK the drop down menu, then HIGHLIGHT your choice, then CLICK "Buy Now"]

Roasted or brewed coffee beans supply us with one of the most consumed beverages in the world.

KAPE Iligan now on display at the Robinson's Iligan
Besides providing antioxidants and jolt of morning energy, coffee offers a host of benefits, including reducing the risk of several medical conditions such as diabetes and Parkinson's disease, according to former bureau of customs chief Arturo R. Diasanta, and now Chairman of the Iligan Agri-Rainbow Producers Cooperative which produces KAPE Iligan.

"A cup of coffee in the morning may pack more than just an energy boost," Diasanta said.  

"More and more research is emerging to suggest that there may be several health benefits associated with drinking this dark black beverage, from helping prevent diabetes to lowering the risk of liver disease," he continued.

Diasanta revealed, "Coffee drinkers have up to an 84% lower risk of developing cirrhosis, with the strongest effect for those who drink four (4) or more cups per day."   

"Liver cancer is also common.  It is the second leading cause of cancer death worldwide," the coop chairman said.  

Evidence suggests that moderate coffee consumption is related to a lower risk of liver cancer and slowing of disease progression in liver fibrosis and alcoholic cirrhosis.

Increased caffeine consumption is most beneficial for people who are at high risk for developing chronic liver disease, including those suffering from obesity, heavy alcohol consumption, iron overload, and hepatitis B or C.

So, help yourself with a steaming aroma of KAPE Iligan, now also available at Aruma Coffee Lounge, Kopi Luwak Coffeeshop, Chinoks, and Raquel's Bakery

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